Quality Improvement

In the National Capitol Area, quality improvement efforts are underway to help ensure that patients receive the right treatment at the right time; that patients are engaged in and knowledgeable about their care; and that the processes for integrating care and/or linking to specialty care are more seamless, particularly in clinics that follow or have adopted the principles of the patient centered medical/health home model.


For more information on Quality Improvement efforts in the National Capital Area, check out the resources below and in the purple tab to the right side of this page.

Quality health care refers to care that is patient-centered and that maximizes health status while remaining affordable and accessible.

Change Package for Rapid Innovation to Improve Outcomes

The Breast Healthcare Improvement in the Safety Net Change Package grows out of work funded and supported by Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, in which the Primary Care Coalition (PCC) of Montgomery County, partnering with Dr. Tom Nolan from Associates in Process Improvement, developed a strategy for breast health process improvement. The strategy was  tested and implemented through the PCC/RPCC National Capital Area Regional Breast Health Care Improvement Initiative, also funded by Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. The Change Package is a toolkit that shares recommended interventions and successful strategies that have been tested and documented in the region and are consistent with standards used in certifying clinics as primary care medical homes.  It includes step-by-step instructions, examples, and resources to implement breast health process improvement programs for rapid innovation at primary care clinics and to strengthen collaboration with critical partners.


Through the National Capital Regional Breast Health Care Improvement Initiative, PCC and RPCC are collaborating to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of breast cancer screening, referral, and follow-up for uninsured and low-income women in the region.


For more information about the Initiative’s key findings and activities:

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