28 Oct Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Mental Health: A Workshop
Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Mental Health: A Workshop:
A planning committee will plan and conduct a 1.5-day public workshop to explore how health professions education and practice organizations and programs are currently addressing social determinants that contribute to mental health disparities across the lifespan. The workshop will also set the stage for discussions on how disparities can affect the mental health and well-being of patients, families, communities, and care providers across the learning continuum. Following the workshop, a proceedings of the presentations and discussions at the workshop will be prepared by a designated rapporteur in accordance with institutional guidelines.
This event is open to the public. All participants are encouraged to participate in the workshop via twitter using the hashtag #IHPEGF.
DATE: November 14, 2019 – November 15, 2019 (9:00 AM Eastern)
LOCATION: Keck Center, 500 Fifth St. NW, Washington, DC 20001
SPONSORS: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
COST: Free!
CONTACT: Katie Perez, 202-334-3967, IHPEGlobalForum@nas.edu